Yellowstone National Park by Snowshoe: Out and back to Mystic Falls
Words and photos by Andrew Coghill Yellowstone National Park in winter is a snowshoer's paradise. So when our new snowshoes arrived in the mail, we wasted no time putting them to use. My girlfriend and I had the day off... Out in the backcountry, alone to ourselves below Mystic Falls, we gazed at the thermally colored canyon walls and soaked in the solitude.  We were in no hurry to leave.  Yellowstone had us entranced.
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Savoring the Tail End of Ski Season
Words and photos by Tim Peck Not too many years ago, skiing an envy-inducing number of days was easy—I lived near a small-but-entertaining ski hill, had an industry deal with most of the Northeast’s major resorts, was surrounded by people... Not too many years ago, skiing an envy-inducing number of days was easy—I lived near a small-but-entertaining ski hill, had an industry deal with most of the Northeast’s major resorts, was surrounded by people stoked to ski tour, and had...
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